Showing posts with label Infertility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infertility. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Get Pregnant Quickly and Naturally Within 2 Months

So many women are struggling to have a baby and many couples want to have a child and have some problems that can be fixed and solved. You only need something natural, that has no side effects.
This is so helpful for you, it's a holistic and ancient chinese system for getting pregnant and having healthy children. The Alternative Health and Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and Former Infertility
Sufferer Teaches You How To:
  • Get Pregnant Quickly and Naturally Within 2 Months
  • Give Birth to Healthy Babies
  • Reverse Both Female and Male Infertility Issues
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!
The Only Holistic System In Existence That Will Teach YOU How To Quickly and Permanently Cure Your Infertility, Rebalance Your Body and Naturally Give Birth to Healthy Babies! 

Discover How She Overcame Her Own Infertility and Taught Thousands Of Women Worldwide To Eliminate All Their Infertility Issues and Get Pregnant Quickly and Naturally 

Success Story: Martha Francis

"According to my infertility doctor it was "very unlikely"
that I could be pregnant with my own eggs. But here I
am, pregnant for the first time in life!"

"I wanted to thank you for this wonderful program. After years of trying to conceive and a failed IVF and a failed FET, I ordered your Pregnancy Miracle. According to my infertility doctor it was "very unlikely" that I could be pregnant with my own eggs. But here I am, pregnant for the first time in life. I got pregnant naturally just 2 months after my failed FET and after following your plan.
I am now 7 month pregnant (see photo attached). I am spreading this miracle story to whomever I meet and who suffers from infertility.
Kind regards and thank you, Lisa!"

Read More Success Stories Here!
Get Pregnant Holistically. It's a fact- getting pregnant naturally and reversing Infertility can never be achieved by tackling one of the many factors responsible for Infertility . If you've ever tried to tackle your Infertility using a one-dimensional treatment like hormone pills, sexual positions, or even changing your diet and failed it's probably because you have tackled only one aspect of the condition. Not only will this system teach you the only way to get pregnant naturally, you will also learn the only way to reverse Infertility for good - the holistic way. To get this great book Click Here!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to increase your fertility with simple home remedies

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Supports female fertility and conception

Many couples struggle with fertility issues. Yet, getting fertility treatments can be extremely expensive, and in some places such treatments are not covered by insurance. Or, it may be that the medications used to treat fertility problems, such as Clomid or hormone injections, are not an option. In these cases, many couples turn to home remedies to increase fertility.
One of the most effective home remedies you can use to increase your fertility is to keep good track of exactly when you are ovulating. During ovulation, a variety of changes happen to your body, such as changes to cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and levels of luteinizing hormone. For many couples, simply tracking ovulation to maximize your window of conception will resolve fertility problems.
Vitamins and nutritional supplements may also help to increase your fertility. A woman’s body needs certain nutrients to be able to conceive, and to be healthy enough to conceive. By making sure that your nutritional stores are at their best, you can help to increase the chances that your pregnancy will be a healthy and successful one and that your baby will be at less of a risk for problems.
One way that home remedies such as vitamins and supplements can help improve your fertility is in the area of cervical mucus. Cervical Mucus is a jelly-ish substance produced by a woman’s body during her monthly cycle. During ovulation, cervical mucus resembles the white of an egg, and is often referred to as “egg-white cervical mucus.” Cervical mucus is an important part of conception. Cervical mucus helps the sperm to survive once inside a woman’s body, and helps the sperm get to the egg so that the egg can be fertilized. There are certain vitamins that may help increase cervical mucus.
They can include:
- Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to make blood vessel walls stronger, fight infections, and to speed the healing of wounds. In addition, Vitamin C is thought to increase the amount of water in your cervical mucus, which will help cervical mucus to be more plentiful.
- Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide, sometimes referred to as NO, helps to make blood vessels dilate. It also helps blood to flow to the reproductive organs, including genitals, uterus, and ovaries. Some studies suggest that NO will also help to increase the amount of mucus secreted by the cervix.
- Lactobacilli. While not exactly a vitamin per se, Lactobacilli are tiny organisms that are an important part of a healthy environment in the vaginal. Lactobacilli can help to create an environment in which cervical mucus is more effective.
- Grapeseed Extract. Grapeseed extract works with Vitamin C to make it more effective. In addition, the presence of this specific antioxidant can give additional support and protection to the sperm.
- Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) – Evening Primrose Oil is a herb that is often used specifically to help increase cervical mucus. Evening primrose oil is an essential fatty acid that is also an anti-inflammatory. Evening primrose oil will not only help to increase cervical mucus, it can also help to increase the quality and effectiveness of cervical mucus, and produce more “egg-white cervical mucus.”
In addition, healthy eating and nutrition when trying to conceive is an important part of increasing fertility. When you are trying to conceive you should try to eat a nutritionally balanced diet each and every day. Such a diet should include:
  • 2 to 3 servings of foods that are rich in calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or low-fat milk.
  • Up to seven servings of vegetables and fruits, two of which should be rich in folic acid. Foods rich in folic acid include spinach, broccoli, orange juice, and lentils. One of your fruits or vegetables should be high in vitamin C, including oranges, papaya, kiwi, or cantaloupe.
  • Significant amounts of protein, preferably by eating lean meats such as poultry.
  • A minimum of six servings of whole-grain foods, such as oatmeal, brown rice, or whole wheat bread.
  • Be sure to get plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. This will also help to increase the amount of cervical mucus that you produce, which is a key component of conception.

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