Showing posts with label Health and Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health and Beauty. Show all posts

Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to relieve fatigue, headache, sadness and pain

Candidate Candidate
Herbal remedy to support balanced probiotic flora in the digestive tract

Headache Soothe Headache Soothe
Homeopathic remedy to temporarily relieve symptoms of stress and fatigue such as headache and neck tension
Headache Soothe

Kiddie Florish Kiddie Florish
"Herbal remedy supports healthy appetites in fussy eaters, plus promotes immune system health in children"
Kiddie Florish

Kidney Stone Clear Kidney Stone Clear
"Homeopathic remedy to temporarily help dissolve and clear kidney stones, plus temporarily relieve pain, nausea and vomiting"
Kidney Stone Clear

MoodCalm MoodCalm
"Homeopathic remedy to temporarily relieve mood swings and behavioral symptoms including restlessness, impulsivity and emotional outbursts"

SAD Soother SAD Soother
Homeopathic remedy to temporarily relieve symptoms of weather-related sadness
SAD Soother

ReGrow Scalp Massage Oil ReGrow Scalp Massage Oil
Herbal massage oils supports healthy hair growth by nourishing hair follicles & soothing the scalp
ReGrow Scalp Massage Oil

Sweat-Less Sweat-Less
"Homeopathic remedy temporarily relieves excessive sweating of the underarms, palms, feet, face and head due to nervousness"

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Emeralds useful in epilepsy, eye diseases, to improve memory

    Unique Birthstone Jewelry Emerald is the Modern and Traditional birthstone for May. It is also listed as a birthstone for the Zodiac signs for Taurus and Cancer, as the Planetary stone for Taurus and the Talismanic stone for Gemini. Emerald is the only stone, besides Topaz, that is listed as in all of the ancient birthstone tables. This gem is suggested as an anniversary gift for the 20th and 35th anniversaries and as an alternate stone for the 55th wedding anniversary.
    Emerald is the name given the green variety of beryl and ranges between 7.5 and 8 on the Mohs scale. The name Emerald is derived from the French "esmeraude” and the Greek root "smaragdos” which means 'green gemstone'. Top quality emeralds are a deep grass green with a slightly bluish cast, but many lesser quality stones are lighter shades of green and can have a more yellowish tone. Emeralds are found in many countries, but Columbia and Brazil are the major producers and Columbia is recognized as the source for the finest stones. They are also found in Pakistan, Russia, Australia, South Africa, India, Norway, and the United States.
    Because emeralds usually contain many cracks, fissures, and inclusions, the majority of these stones are "oiled". This means that they are immersed in oil which reduces the visibility of the inclusions, and also improves the clarity. Oiling is almost universal and because it is so common today, it is not considered necessary to disclose this fact Emeralds are brittle stones and care should be taken when wearing or cleaning them. They should never be immersed in an ultrasonic or subjected to steam cleaning. Emeralds were used as amulets to ward off epilepsy in children and thought to cure diseases of the eye. Folklore suggests that these stones will improve memory, intelligence, and enhance clairvoyance thus helping to predict future events. They are also worn to enhance love and contentment. Cleopatra prized emeralds above all other gems. Additional information about emeralds can be found on the IGA (International Gemstone Association) website.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How To Restore The Health Of Your Hair And Scalp

Jericho Mud Hair Mask for Oily & Irritated Scalp Jericho Mud Hair Mask for Oily & Irritated Scalp
The Jericho Mud Hair Mask is made from Dead Sea mud and is designed to help treat and restore the health of your hair and scalp after coloring, bleaching or other chemical hair treatments. It benefits the hair and scalp by: Protecting your scalp from chemicals, it's very good for the hair roots and your hair will look gorgeous and shiny!

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