Today we are getting closer to Halloween party and holiday faster and faster.
What would you like to do when that day comes? I would look for a costume, decor accessories and music for the background. But I would start making a list of people to join the party. Wouldn't you?
I would visit online stores or real stores to find outfits of bride or groom, or animals, scary characters or movie characters. Then I would find the suitable accessories to fit my outif. I would invite my best friend to join me at the party, because I don't like to go alone. She would cheer me up and we'd have lots of fun together. And last, I would bring my camera to shoot or take pictures of the party. How nice it was in college, with the parties and discoteque dancing I've attented with my coleagues or friends. If I could only turn back time, to be so happy like in the first day of school or the first day of being married.

Maybe it should be like the first day, but here on earth happiness won't last. I wish I'd find a way to make it last. When you lack money, a job, a trustworthy person or friend, how can life become better? One only needs a house, a car and a pool... or otherwise a garden to enjoy the little spare time one has, to take sun showers, to look at flowers and trees, to swimm in the pool, to ride in a car with one's family, to own a dog or a cat, or all kinds of animals, to love someone else or one's pets. When there will be no more sickness, we will be happy and forever joyful and healthy, and no more poverty or pain, or evil people, then we'll be very happy.