Showing posts with label Mask. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mask. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2017

Homemade masks that help you have a glowing and healthy skin

Hello my beloved ones!
How are you today?
I would like to share with you an amazing face mask with green tea.
I am a really great fan of using natural ingredients to create affordable homemade face masks and scrubs. Using a bag of organic tea you can make and apply the green tea face masks and packs given in this article to enhance your beauty. Green tea works to detoxify your face and skin. Green tea may be bitter to taste, but is sweet to skin. Moreover, green tea is packed with anti-oxidants that help to guard against free radicals in your body. Due to this, it aids to delay formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Because of the green tea beauty benefits, you will find numerous cosmetic products available on the market that contain green tea as an active ingredient.
Green Tea Body Scrub 10 oz Green Tea Body Scrub 10 oz

Green Tea And Honey Face Mask / Pack For Glowing Skin: If you suffer from fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet or dark spots then the honey green tea face mask is an appropriate pack for you. This green tea pack will add glow to your face and at the same time moisturize it too.

1. Cut open a green tea bag, moisten the green tea leaves and mix well with organic honey to make a uniform consistency paste. Apply this pack all over your face, leaving it there for about 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. This mask is full of antioxidants, so great for clearing redness and preventing blackheads. This mask works well for spot treatment as well.

2. Another method is to mix thoroughly 2 teaspoons of organic honey with 1-2 teaspoons of brewed green tea water (cooled) to get green tea and honey solution. Soak clean cotton balls into the solution and apply onto your face, leaving it there for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water. Apply this mask twice a week to lessen the signs of ageing.

Aromasaurus Rex Bath 16 OZ Aromasaurus Rex Bath 16 OZ

Green Tea, Yogurt And Lemon Juice Mask For Sensitive Skin: Plain yogurt or curd is very gentle and eases skin off any irritation, so acts mild on sensitive skin. It is also full of protein, calcium and vitamin D making it to work as a good moisturizer and acne fighter. It also helps in reducing blemishes, sunburn and discoloration of the skin. Lemon juice acts as deep cleanser.

1. Boil some green tea leaves in water, let it cool down and stain it to get green tea solution.

2. Take 1 teaspoon of plain curd or yogurt and mix in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Now mix with it 1-2 teaspoons of green tea solution.

3. Apply the pack onto your entire face, leaving it there for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water.Body Mist Balancing Pure Harvest 3.4 Oz Body Mist Balancing Pure Harvest 3.4 Oz

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Antiwrinkle Masks for dry and normal skin

By the time we are 30, many of us are already seeing wrinkles develop in places such as the corners of our mouth and eyes as well as in pointy spots like our elbows and knees. However, there is no reason to get upset and think that you are going to start looking like Tommy Lee Jones overnight. Wrinkle prevention is a relatively easy process to follow, but it is a routine that you want to get started on rather sooner than later. The following advice will help keep your skin naturally smooth and firm for years to come.

A yeast mask is rich in B vitamins, boosts blood circulation and metabolism, helps with flabbiness, cleans pores and is recommended for normal, oily, dry and wrinkled skin. Mix 1/2 oz of yeast with warm milk ( for normal skin ) or olive oil ( for dry skin ) or  3% hydrogen peroxide ( for oily skin ). Apply a few layers
of this mask on your face and leave it for 20 min, then rinse it with warm water. Full treatment is 20 masks.

Whip 1 egg white with the juice of 1/2 lemon and a pinch of salt. Apply for 15-20 min. Excellent for wrinkled

This mask tones up dry wrinkled skin: grind plantain leaves, add 1 tea spoon of boiled water and 2 tea spoons of honey. Apply on your face for 15-20 min.

Mask for wrinkled normal / dry skin: mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tbl spoon of olive oil and 1 tbl spoon of honey. Apply on your skin in 3 layers. Wait until the first layer gets dry, then apply the second layer, then the third one. Take off the mask in 25 min. Do it 1-2 times a week for 1-1 1/2 months. Repeat in 2-3 months.

Great energizing lotion: instead of washing your face, rub it with a piece of cotton wet in strong fresh prepared tea. This is excellent at toning up mature skin. You will also get a darker complexion.

For any skin type: mix 1 tbl spoon of cottage cheese with 2 tbl spoons of sour cream, add 1 tea spoon of salt. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 min. Rinse it with warm water, then with cold water. Follow with
your moisturizer. Do this mask 1-2 times a week for 6 weeks.

Oatmeal mask: mix 2 tbl spoons of oatmeal with 4 tbl spoons of milk or cream. Leave it for 10-15 min, then apply the mask on your face for 20 min. Rinse it with warm water, then with cold water. Follow with your

Very effective nourishing anti wrinkle mask: mix 2 tbl spoons of flax seeds with 2 cups of water and boil it until the seeds become soft. Apply the hot mashed seeds on your face if you do not have red capillaries or let it cool and apply a cool mask if you have redness or visible capillaries Leave it for 20 min. Rinse it with warm water, then with cold water. Follow with your moisturizer.

Anti-wrinkle lightening mask: mix 1 tea spoon of ground parsley with 1 tea spoon of ground dill. Add 2 glasses of boiling water, let it sit for 2 hours, then filter it. Wet a cotton towel in this herbal tea and apply the compress on your face for 15-20 min.Follow with your moisturizer.

Mask for very dry, thin and withering skin: mash 2 peaches and add 1 tea spoon of lemon juice. Apply on your skin for 15-20 min. Follow with your moisturizer.

An amazing remedy: mix 1 oz of chamomile, 2/3 oz of peppermint, 1/3 oz of rosemarine, 2/3 oz of salicil acid and 4 glasses of red dry wine. Leave it for 2 weeks, then filter it. Pour the mixture in a bottle and keep it in your refrigerator. Rub your face and neck with it before you go to bed. Your wrinkles will be smoothed and your skin will become resilient and beautiful.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cucumber and olive oil mask

If you feel that your skin is dry or if you're desperate because it doesn't look to good especially during winter, here is a remedy mask to help you rejuvenate your dry facial skin. If the problems of your skin are too grave, then you can use this home made mask to get perfect results in a a short time.

3oz cucumber very finely diced
3tsp olive oil
2tsp live yogurt

Mix above ingredients into a fine paste. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes then wash off with cold water. Skin feels soft, conditioned and clean.

Thanks for the recipe Sophia! Oh, how I love simple recipes like this!

Cucumber is often used for face swelling and puffiness. It is excellent when it comes to calming the face, and skin in general, down. It is cooling and gentle. It is also a great cleanser, especially for oily and problem skin types.

Olive oil brings nothing but great moisture to the skin. It nourishes the skin and moisturizes it but it does not have a greasy residue. It is easily absorbed by the skin leaving it smooth and supple. It is easily rinsed off with lukewarm water.

Finally, yogurt. Used for inflammation-prone skin, it contains alpha-hydroxy acid which have the ability to remove the dead skin cells. The result is rejuvenated, youthful looking skin.

Original recipe from:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Alcoholism: The Perfect Cure

Signs of Alcoholism (alcoholism symptoms)

Bloodshot Eyes, Rapid Pulse
Alcoholics can be easily recognized due to their puffy face and bloodshot eyes. Their voice is hoarse and pulse rate is very rapid. They are prone to be irritable, suspicious and over-emotional. Alcoholics are likely to suffer symptoms such as bouts of vomiting, delirium, disturbed sleep and impaired judgment Alcoholics eventually land up with the disease called cirrhosis of liver where the liver is damaged due to heavy drinking. The bowel movement gets disturbed and other complications like, stomach disorder, weak and flaccid heart and damaged brain cells render the person unfit.

Vomiting, Delirium
Alcoholics are likely to suffer symptoms such as bouts of vomiting, delirium, disturbed sleep and impaired judgment Alcoholics eventually land up with the disease called cirrhosis of liver where the liver is damaged due to heavy drinking. The bowel movement gets disturbed and other complications like, stomach disorder, weak and flaccid heart and damaged brain cells render the person unfit.

Causes of Alcoholism

Occasional drink

An occasional alcoholic drink is the starting point for alcoholism. Over a period of time, a person who drinks occasionally gets habituated and regular drinking becomes the norm. Quite a lot of people have to indulge in social drinking due to societal and group pressure, while others find an escape route through drinking to evade responsibilities. They are under the misconception that drinking is a form of stress relief.

Alcoholism Treatment

Alcoholism treatment using Grapes

The restricted diet of grapes for about a month is a vital home remedy for alcoholism. As this fruit contains a very pure form of alcohol, it acts like a healthy alternative to alcohol. The ideal process is to take three meals a day of fresh grapes every five hours. To make this treatment successful, the alcohol should develop strong will power to stop drinking.

Alcoholism treatment using Apples

Apples when eaten regularly and liberally help in removing intoxication and reduce craving for wines or any other kind of liquor.

Alcoholism treatment using Dates

Dates are beneficial in treating alcoholism. Rub together 3-4 dates in half a glass of water and have the alcoholic drink this two times a day for a period of about a month.

Alcoholism treatment using Bitter Gourd

Juice extracted from bitter gourd leaves is the perfect remedy for alcohol intoxication. It is basically useful for the damaged liver. Mix three teaspoons of the juice with a glass of butter milk and consume every morning for a month.

Alcoholism treatment using Celery

The juice of raw celery creates a sobering effect on the alcoholic patient. In half a glass of water, an equal quantity of celery juice should be mixed and consumed once everyday for a month. This is a very successful home remedy to cure alcoholism.

Diet for alcoholism recovery
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Build up Body's Nutritional Integrity, Juice Fast

To prevent the patient from pining for stimulants like alcohol, it is most important to feed ample amounts of nutrients back in his body. To begin with, the patient should be on an “all liquid” diet, preferably juices, for a minimum period of 10 to 12 days. This is by far the best home remedy for alcoholism to start with. As this fast will progress, the patient will steadily experience less craving. This will break his drinking pattern and preferably the patient should start on a diet of several small meals a day rather than three large ones.

The alcoholic needs to exercise regularly and include outdoor activities in his daily schedule.

Optimum Diet and Fresh Fruit Juice

Even after the successful completion of the juice fast, the patient should continue to have an intake of fresh fruit juices and plenty of water. A healthy diet for alcoholism must include foods such as wholegrain cereals, legumes and pulses, fresh fruits and vegetables. Initially, the patient might experience cravings and so an appropriate replacement may be given to alleviate the same. A glass of fresh fruit juice and eating healthy snacks like candy or Soya beans etc will curb his cravings which might increase the urge for drinking in the stages immediately after the treatment.

Avoid Refined Foods

Avoid refined food products such as white flour, white sugar, white rice, macaroni products. This can be substituted with brown rice, brown sugar, leafy vegetables and other whole grain products.

Other Suggestions and herbal treatments for alcoholism

Firm willingness of alcoholic to stop drinking

The alcoholic should be motivated to break the 'alcohol habit' through a strong determination to do so and by being consistent in maintaining his food habits. To try to give up alcoholism at once is almost impossible, so the alcoholic should make a firm decision to make a clean break out of the habit of drinking.

Warm-water enema and physical exercises

Take a warm-water enema daily to rinse out the bowels during the first ten days of the 'juice fast’. Plenty of rest and outdoor physical activities and exercises are recommended.

Avoid smoking

Avoid smoking as it increases the craving for alcohol.

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