Showing posts with label Remedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remedy. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2017

Homemade masks that help you have a glowing and healthy skin

Hello my beloved ones!
How are you today?
I would like to share with you an amazing face mask with green tea.
I am a really great fan of using natural ingredients to create affordable homemade face masks and scrubs. Using a bag of organic tea you can make and apply the green tea face masks and packs given in this article to enhance your beauty. Green tea works to detoxify your face and skin. Green tea may be bitter to taste, but is sweet to skin. Moreover, green tea is packed with anti-oxidants that help to guard against free radicals in your body. Due to this, it aids to delay formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Because of the green tea beauty benefits, you will find numerous cosmetic products available on the market that contain green tea as an active ingredient.
Green Tea Body Scrub 10 oz Green Tea Body Scrub 10 oz

Green Tea And Honey Face Mask / Pack For Glowing Skin: If you suffer from fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet or dark spots then the honey green tea face mask is an appropriate pack for you. This green tea pack will add glow to your face and at the same time moisturize it too.

1. Cut open a green tea bag, moisten the green tea leaves and mix well with organic honey to make a uniform consistency paste. Apply this pack all over your face, leaving it there for about 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. This mask is full of antioxidants, so great for clearing redness and preventing blackheads. This mask works well for spot treatment as well.

2. Another method is to mix thoroughly 2 teaspoons of organic honey with 1-2 teaspoons of brewed green tea water (cooled) to get green tea and honey solution. Soak clean cotton balls into the solution and apply onto your face, leaving it there for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water. Apply this mask twice a week to lessen the signs of ageing.

Aromasaurus Rex Bath 16 OZ Aromasaurus Rex Bath 16 OZ

Green Tea, Yogurt And Lemon Juice Mask For Sensitive Skin: Plain yogurt or curd is very gentle and eases skin off any irritation, so acts mild on sensitive skin. It is also full of protein, calcium and vitamin D making it to work as a good moisturizer and acne fighter. It also helps in reducing blemishes, sunburn and discoloration of the skin. Lemon juice acts as deep cleanser.

1. Boil some green tea leaves in water, let it cool down and stain it to get green tea solution.

2. Take 1 teaspoon of plain curd or yogurt and mix in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Now mix with it 1-2 teaspoons of green tea solution.

3. Apply the pack onto your entire face, leaving it there for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water.Body Mist Balancing Pure Harvest 3.4 Oz Body Mist Balancing Pure Harvest 3.4 Oz

Monday, September 1, 2014

Remedy for Ear Infection

Ear Oil With Garlic2 OZ Ear Oil With Garlic2 OZ
Ear Oil is placed into the ear canal to soothe and relieve infection.. . Instructions: Place 3 drops of oil onto a piece of cotton to be placed into the ears overnight to soften built up wax for easy removal.
Ear Oil With Garlic2 OZ

Ear-Ok Drops Ear-Ok Drops
Natural ear drops remedy to support healthy ear care and maintain normal levels of ear wax
Ear-Ok Drops

Childrens Echinacea 4 FL Oz Childrens Echinacea 4 FL Oz
Echinacea (Echinacea Angustofolia Purpapera Pallida) is an excellent herb for all kinds of viral & bacterial infections strengthens the immune system against pathogenic infection by stimulating phagocytosis & T-Cell formation blood cleansing properties acne bronchitis colds & flu congestion psoriasis tonsillitis wounds ear infections and stimulates the immune system.
Childrens Echinacea 4 FL Oz

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Cure or Fix Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

One of the great against dark circles home remedies is the Chamomile. This flower that possesses immense curative also comes in handy for those pesky bags under his eyes. Directly you can drink tea daily or fasting, but soaking a gauze or cotton in a little cold chamomile tea and rub your dark circles with him, allowing the liquid to dry by itself. Desinflamantes properties of this plant will do the rest.

Both potatoes as cucumbers are excellent natural remedies against dark circles. Remember they are in the refrigerator, and serve to refresh your eyes, turn. Put a slice of them directly over your eyes, relax the eye and stays on for 15 minutes. Then remove them and watch the wetting properties of these vegetables will make your eyes look rested and in good condition.

Of course, the most appropriate remedy is to honor our dream. Try to sleep 8 hours a day and rest properly. Is that, generally, dark circles come from the hand of poor sleep. You may also be the cause fluid retention. Therefore, dinner is often recommended to prevent salt-free meals.

These unpleasant bags dark form in the most sensitive eyes peaked when the veins so far as to show through. Moreover, with the inexorable passage of time becomes a problem that becomes too visible, and which requires treatment to reduce the feeling of aging resulting in the person who has it. So sleep well with our heads held high allowing fluid to drain away from the eye area avoiding swelling, reduce consumption alcohol, snuff and excessively salty foods and saturated are some prevention tips to avoid them.

Currently, there are various treatments that mitigate the unpleasant effects produced by dark circles, if we are talking about that arise from bad habits or unhealthy behavior and that genetics are very difficult to eradicate, at least, without surgery. For the former, there are cosmetics that hide them and various home remedies that significantly reduced.

The most widely used home remedy against the dark circles is to apply two sachets of tea or Chamomile previously moistened eyes on for twenty minutes. Its application can reduce inflammation and therefore reduces the bags, although obviously its duration is tentative because it does not eliminate them. Other home remedies to reduce dark circles would be applied two slices of raw potato on the eyes or apply also for twenty minutes, the resulting paste to cook an apple with milk, Within one hour of cooking. However, the most effective natural remedy is to mix aloe vera pulp two slices cucumber and apply it over your eyes for half an hour.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cure varicose veins with home remedies

Varicose veins are abnormally enlarged veins that appear close to the skin's surface. They occur usually in the calves and thighs and is the result of malfunctioning valves inside the veins as prolonged pressure or obstruction of the veins.

Varicose veins can develop in people from standing or sitting for long periods of time, poor exercise, pregnancy, excessive weight, prolonged constipation, people who habitually sit with their legs crossed. Also heavy lifting put increased pressure on legs increasing the likelihood of developing varicose veins. Heart failure, liver disease, and abdominal tumors can contribute in the formation of varicose veins. Heredity is also a factor for many individuals. A deficiency of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids can weaken the collagen structure in the vein walls, which can lead to varicose veins.

Varicose veins are very common and affect approximately 10% of the population. More women than men are affected. In some cases if varicose veins are not treated properly, some complications can emerge. The characteristics more common are: swelling, restlessness, leg sores, itching, leg cramps, feeling ofheaviness in the legs and fatigue.

Here are a few tips for you:

1: Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet also has to be low in fat and carbohydrates.

2: Eat as many blackberries and cherries as you can. They help to prevent varicose veins, and if you have them they may ease the symptoms.

3: Including ginger, onions, garlic and pineapple in your diet is beneficial.

4: Your diet has to be high in fiber to prevent constipation and keep the bowels clean.

5: Avoid as much as possible sugar, ice cream, fried foods, peanuts, junk foods, cheeses, tobacco, salt, alcohol, animal protein, and processed and refined foods.

6: Do a daily routine of exercise. Walking, swimming and bicycling all promote good circulation. It is very important that in complement maintain a healthy weight.

7: Do not wear tight clothes because they restrict blood flow. The only exception is when wearing medical compression stockings from manufacturers such as Ames Walker and Rejuva Health.

8: At least once a day elevate your legs above the heart level for 20' to alleviate symptoms.

9: Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, crossing your legs doing heavy lifting and putting any unecessary pressure on your legs.

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10: If you at work are sitting on a desk all day, make sure you take breaks to walk around. you can also flex your muscles and wiggle your toes to increase blood flow. If it is possible try to rest your feet on an object that is elevated from the floor when seated.

11: If you at work have to stand for long period of time, shift your weight between your feet, stand on your toes, or take breaks to walk around to alleviate pressure.

12: Elevate your feet at all moment at home while watching TV or sitting down to read.

13: To ease pain and stimulate circulation, fill a tub with cold water and simulate waking.

14: Avoid scratching the itchy skin above varicose veins. This can cause ulceration and bleeding.

15:After bathing apply Castor oil over the varicose veins affected and massage into your legs from the the feet.

We recommend you these home remedies:

-One of the most effective ways of treating varicose veins would be to have a combination of carrot and spinach juice. For this, combine 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice.

-Vitamin E and C are essential for the treatment of varicose vein. For this, take 3,000 mg of vitamin C and 600 to 1,200 mg of vitamin E daily.

-Staying on an all-fruit diet, for two to three days, is an easy solution for varicose veins. Thereafter, have a balanced diet that includes grains, seeds, nuts, raw vegetables and fresh fruits.

-Warm water enema is a good home remedy to cure varicose veins, as it helps cleanse the bowels.

-Applying apple cider vinegar to the varicose veins two times a day i.e. in the morning and evening would prove helpful in treating the problem. This would make the vein shrink back to their original size.

-Taking hot Epsom salt bath, two times in a week, will prove effective in treating varicose veins.

-Another useful home remedy would be to massage the affected area with rosemary oil.

-Take some fuller's earth powder and add some water to it, until it forms a paste. Apply this mudpack on the affected area at night and leave it on till the morning. Then, rinse off with water.

-In 4 ounces of carrier oil (almond oil), add 12 drops each of cypress and rosemary essential oils. Apply this mixture on the legs, by gently stroking them in an upward motion. This is an effective way to treat varicose veins.

-Applying vitamin E oil or witch hazel tea to the affected area serves as a good home remedy for varicose veins.

-Take hot and cold hip bath, alternately. This would prove to be beneficial in curing varicose veins.

-Mix together 2 cups each of chopped calendula flowers, leaves and stems, along with melted lard. After about 24 hours, heat the mixture and strain it. Apply this over the varicose veins.

-Avoid having potatoes, starchy foods, condiments, alcohol, coffee, strong tea, white flour products and white sugar, when suffering from varicose veins.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

What herbal remedy helps you breathe easy?

BioVent Drops BioVent Drops
"Herbal remedy supports healthy lungs, plus helps keep air passages open for easy breathing"

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What remedy is good for bedwetting in children?

Be-Dry Be-Dry
Homeopathic remedy strengthens bladder control to reduce enuresis (bedwetting) & nervousness in children

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Anger-Soothe soothes anger,rage and irritability

"Homeopathic remedy to soothe anger, irritability and rage, plus control temper problems and emotional outbursts"

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

8 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Lice

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Head lice are parasites that can infest people's scalps. They are usually transmitted via person-to-person contact, but can occasionally be transmitted by clothes or other means. Lice infestations are often a problem with school aged children, but can affect anyone. Treating lice can be a lengthy process, but does not necessarily require any prescription shampoos. Follow these steps to get rid of a lice.
Also can take up to one week to get rid of. also, if you take a bottle of rid or nix shampoo(lice killing shampoo), dog's flea shampoo, and alcohol(medical bottle) is easier to kill the lice.

1. Be prepared to fight a long battle. Adult lice and immature lice are pretty easy to get rid of, but their eggs (called nits) are much harder to get rid of, and it is with these that the most problems crop up. People can think that they are rid of lice, but then get another case of lice from just a couple of eggs. Constant vigilance will be necessary to win this battle.

2. Buy a quality lice treatment (also known as a pediculicide). You should be able to buy one over the counter at a local drug store. You should also get a quality nit comb (a normal comb is not fine enough to remove nits and lice from hair); a flea comb for pets may also be used.

3. Apply the lice treatment to the hair. Be sure to follow the treatment instructions, especially regarding the duration the treatment should be left on the hair and how it should be removed. You may need to buy another bottle to treat someone with very long hair.

4. Remove the treatment from the hair as directed. Note that you should not shampoo or condition the hair with normal shampoo or conditioner for 1-2 days following treatment.

Naughty Nits Hair Oil
Naughty Nits Hair Oil
"Natural shampoo, hair oil, and spritzer to eradicate head lice & remove nits to prevent re-infestation"

5. Make sure the person with the lice then changes into clean clothes following the treatment. If needed put in the dryer

6. Wait 8-12 hours (or as directed). Use the nit comb to remove the dead lice (and any ones still living) from the hair. If you find lots of live lice at this point, you may need a more effective pediculicide; contact your doctor for a recommendation.

7. Comb the hair with the nit comb and carefully check the scalp of the infested person daily. Continue this process for 2 or 3 weeks to ensure that all of the lice are gone. Most lice treatments require a second application after about 10 days to kill any lice that may have hatched since the initial treatment.

8. Clean all of the infected person's contaminated belongings: clothes, towels, and bedding will need to be washed in hot water, and their mattress and room vacuumed thoroughly. Use the hottest setting on the dryer and dry for the longest time you can without harming the fabric.

The source of the article about getting rid of lice permanently:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Antiwrinkle Masks for dry and normal skin

By the time we are 30, many of us are already seeing wrinkles develop in places such as the corners of our mouth and eyes as well as in pointy spots like our elbows and knees. However, there is no reason to get upset and think that you are going to start looking like Tommy Lee Jones overnight. Wrinkle prevention is a relatively easy process to follow, but it is a routine that you want to get started on rather sooner than later. The following advice will help keep your skin naturally smooth and firm for years to come.

A yeast mask is rich in B vitamins, boosts blood circulation and metabolism, helps with flabbiness, cleans pores and is recommended for normal, oily, dry and wrinkled skin. Mix 1/2 oz of yeast with warm milk ( for normal skin ) or olive oil ( for dry skin ) or  3% hydrogen peroxide ( for oily skin ). Apply a few layers
of this mask on your face and leave it for 20 min, then rinse it with warm water. Full treatment is 20 masks.

Whip 1 egg white with the juice of 1/2 lemon and a pinch of salt. Apply for 15-20 min. Excellent for wrinkled

This mask tones up dry wrinkled skin: grind plantain leaves, add 1 tea spoon of boiled water and 2 tea spoons of honey. Apply on your face for 15-20 min.

Mask for wrinkled normal / dry skin: mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tbl spoon of olive oil and 1 tbl spoon of honey. Apply on your skin in 3 layers. Wait until the first layer gets dry, then apply the second layer, then the third one. Take off the mask in 25 min. Do it 1-2 times a week for 1-1 1/2 months. Repeat in 2-3 months.

Great energizing lotion: instead of washing your face, rub it with a piece of cotton wet in strong fresh prepared tea. This is excellent at toning up mature skin. You will also get a darker complexion.

For any skin type: mix 1 tbl spoon of cottage cheese with 2 tbl spoons of sour cream, add 1 tea spoon of salt. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 min. Rinse it with warm water, then with cold water. Follow with
your moisturizer. Do this mask 1-2 times a week for 6 weeks.

Oatmeal mask: mix 2 tbl spoons of oatmeal with 4 tbl spoons of milk or cream. Leave it for 10-15 min, then apply the mask on your face for 20 min. Rinse it with warm water, then with cold water. Follow with your

Very effective nourishing anti wrinkle mask: mix 2 tbl spoons of flax seeds with 2 cups of water and boil it until the seeds become soft. Apply the hot mashed seeds on your face if you do not have red capillaries or let it cool and apply a cool mask if you have redness or visible capillaries Leave it for 20 min. Rinse it with warm water, then with cold water. Follow with your moisturizer.

Anti-wrinkle lightening mask: mix 1 tea spoon of ground parsley with 1 tea spoon of ground dill. Add 2 glasses of boiling water, let it sit for 2 hours, then filter it. Wet a cotton towel in this herbal tea and apply the compress on your face for 15-20 min.Follow with your moisturizer.

Mask for very dry, thin and withering skin: mash 2 peaches and add 1 tea spoon of lemon juice. Apply on your skin for 15-20 min. Follow with your moisturizer.

An amazing remedy: mix 1 oz of chamomile, 2/3 oz of peppermint, 1/3 oz of rosemarine, 2/3 oz of salicil acid and 4 glasses of red dry wine. Leave it for 2 weeks, then filter it. Pour the mixture in a bottle and keep it in your refrigerator. Rub your face and neck with it before you go to bed. Your wrinkles will be smoothed and your skin will become resilient and beautiful.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Anxiety causes and natural remedies

What is Anxiety?

Everyone has felt a little anxious at some time point in their lives. In fact, some degree of anxiety is perfectly normal! Both children and adults may suffer from routine anxiety which is often brought on by physical situations. These situations can range from the first day of school to job interviews, flying on an airplane or common anxiety felt on your wedding day.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorders, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD in Adults and OCD in Children, Stress Disorders like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety Disorders due to known physical causes.

Diagnosing Anxiety

There are no laboratory tests that can diagnose anxiety disorders, although some specific tests may be performed by a health care professional to rule out disease or serious illness. It is verydifficult to diagnosis anxiety as it involves a wide variety of symptoms that often differ from person to person.
A person may display physical signs of anxiety – such as profuse sweating, or they may appear completely normal. A personal history may be reviewed and tests may be run to rule out the following factors that may be causing the symptoms of anxiety:
  • Physical disorders (e.g. thyroid problems)
  • Diet
  • Prescription drugs
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Mood-altering drugs
  • Caffeine consumption in large amounts
  • Work environment (overly noisy or dangerous)
In most cases, the most important information is the patient's psychological and social history. Anyone with chronic anxiety for no apparent reason should see a healthcare professional.
Here are the plants used as remedies for anxiety:
Catnip soothes your mind and helps you relax.

This herb is part of the mint family, and it can be used to alleviate stomach cramps, spasms and irritations. It’s also helpful to reduce pain from localized inflammations (such as rheumatism) and even help overcome discomforts caused by conditions such as smallpox and scarlet fever. Most commonly, catnip tea is used as a natural medicine for headaches caused by insomnia, to stimulate appetite and even to normalize menstruation periods in women. This herb can be used by anyone, even children.

Chamomile is an amazing natural sedative.

Many people suffering from anxiety use this common herb to reduce nervousness, headaches and even hysteria. It’s also effective in reducing digestive discomforts and lack of appetite. Chamomile can be used by anyone (even babies) and it’s good for the liver and lungs. This herb has countless benefits, but it should not be used for extended periods of time.

Fennel helps relieve gastrointestinal disturbances.

The seeds of this herb are widely used for culinary purposes, but they’re also a great natural medicine if you need something with analgesic, diuretic or antispasmodic properties. They can be used to facilitate digestion, reduce coughing, manage asthma and bronchitis, minimize intestinal spasms, and even treat urinary infections. It also helps relieve fluid retention and aid elimination of toxins; as such, fennel seeds can also be used to treat food poisoning. This herb can be used by anyone, although pregnant women should avoid over-using it.

Kava Kava directly confronts and reduces anxiety.

This is a popular natural sedative, which is popular with people with stress, insomnia and anxiety problems. It’s known to relax muscles and has anti-convulsant properties. It’s actually fairly potent, and should not be used for extended periods of time without medical guidance. Intoxication with Kava can cause adverse reactions such as headache, dizziness and allergic reactions. People with liver problems should avoid using this herb.

Hops will help calm down your nervous system.

A climbing plant with a long history of medicinal applications, Hops can be used to treat insomnia, stress, headaches, indigestion and nervousness in general. It helps reduce fever, skin ulcerations and it can be used to treat infections and certain skin problems. Moreover, it’s also known to provide relief from rheumatism and lower uric acid levels. Hops can be used safely by anyone, unless ingested in high dosages or through extended periods of time.

Omega 3 Fish Oil 3 Pack combo
Omega 3 Fish Oil 3 Pack combo
Omega 3 Fish Oil(3000mg daily 75 caps):Omega 3 fish oil has been one of the hottest supplements to hit mainstream over the past several years. The demand to buy omega 3 fish oil supplements continues to rise as the omega 3 benefits to these natural supplements continue to grow from laboratory tests. Already people are buying fish oil because of its amazing ability to strengthen overall heart health from lowering bad cholesterol and helping to get rid of bad fats, to other general health benefits. The best omega 3 6 9 fish oi heart supplements are natural, and should derive from real life omega 3 sources, which are mostly flaxseed and fish oil. For this reason many consumers also look for the best omega 3 fish oil products to provide the Omega 3 fatty acids the human body needs.These Omega 3 fish oil capsules provide the Omega 3 fatty acids that the body needs to be healthy, but cannot produce on its own. This qualifies as a natural cardiovascular supplementwhich adds further to the appeal as more and more people want to take care of their heart.Gold Crown Products offers several Omega 3 fish oil supplements, including Omega 3 6 9 supplements that have all three types of good omega fatty acids in addition to combo packs for those of you who really want to make sure you're well taken care of. If you're looking to buy omega 3 fish oil supplements, these Omega 3 Fish Oil pills are a great start to getting your heart some natural organic help to remain healthy and in working order.Sources of omega 3 fatty acids are fish oil and specific types of plants and nuts oils.... Omega 3 fish oil has many benefits relating to skin diseases. It improves skin freshness and reduces dryness due to which over time your skin gives fresh look always.

Motherwort is known to help stabilize emotions.

This plant is a popular choice for treating menstrual discomforts. It’s also favored by pregnant women looking for a natural way to manage stress and pregnancy related tensions, although it should not be taken in the first two trimesters. Motherwort is known to stimulate circulation without increasing pulse rate, so it can be used to treat lower blood pressure and treat certain heart disorders such as arrhythmias and palpitations. Motherwort will help induce calmness without making you feel drowsy, and it’s also a mild anti-depressant.

Passionflower will induce peace of mind and relaxation.

A wonderful relaxer, passionflower tea is great for reducing muscle tension and spasms caused by anxiety, as well as helping with insomnia. It works great for calming your nerves and it will effectively help you overcome states of agitation, mood swings, headaches and even common anxiety symptoms such as hot flashes. Word of caution: this herb must not be used by patients being treated with medicines of the MAO inhibitor class.

Skullcap stabilizes mood and promotes drowsiness.

With its sedative, tonic, and anti-inflammatory properties, the skullcap herb can be used to soothe twitching muscles, overcome seizures, trembling and even to manage epilepsy. It will also help minimize heart palpitations, depressions, insomnia and restlessness. It should not be used by pregnant women, and everyone else should use it in moderate quantities.

St. John’s Wort works wonders to reduce depression.

This herb is known to prevent viral infections in the chest, lungs and genitalia, as well as soothe muscles pains, but it’s arguably more popular as a mood lifter. As such, it’s a favored choice by people suffering from anxiety and depression. Anyone can use this herb safely, and its potential benefits go as far as helping overcome diarrhea and gastroenteritis.

Valerian is another potent natural sedative.

The reason why this herbal medicine is so popular to treat insomnia is because it promotes drowsiness without affecting the stages of sleep (a common side effect of sedatives). It may help relieve stomach and uterine cramps, bronchial spasms and persistent coughs. Moreoever, it’s a wonderful muscle relaxant and a great tranquilizer. It should not be used by children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and patients taking antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs.

Article from

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Soothing Masks for Dry Skin

Dry skin is usually very thin and tender. The good news is that pimples appear rarely on dry skin, but it can peel and crack, become rough and age faster than other skin types. You do not have problems with dry skin when you are young. When you are getting older, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases and dry skin gets flabby very fast. Your wrinkles, pigmented spots and capillaries on your cheeks become more and more visible.

But if you take good care of your tender dry skin, you will have beautiful skin for years.

Dry skin is a common complaint made by people all over the globe, especially those who live in places that are cold and dry. Dry skin is not a serious medical condition, however the itchy discomfort and sight of rough patches of skin does cause much concern for people who happen to suffer from it. Aside from the discomfort and unsightliness, dry skin is also thought to be a contributing factor in the formation of wrinkles and fine lines within the skin.

Various treatments and cures for dry skin have been around for quite some time now, with sufferers of this predicament constantly searching for a better way to stop the suffering. While dry skin cannot be considered a disease, it is something that people desperately want to rid themselves of. Many of these various balms, lotions and other medications present on the market have been proven to help with relieving dry skin and finding the right one is just a matter of personal preference.

Nourishing mask for dry skin: mix 1 oz of cucumber juice, 1.5 oz of vegetable oil and 1 oz of lanolin cream. Apply on your face and throat for 10-15 min, then rinse the mask with warm water or herbal extract. Follow with your moisturizer.

If you have dry skin and tendency to pigmentation, mix 1 tea spoon of honey, 1 tea spoon of cottage cheese, 1 tea spoon of vegetable oil and 2 g of boric acid. Apply the mask on your face and throat for 15 min. Rinse it with warm water or herbal tea. Follow with your moisturizer.

Rejuvenating masks: grate 1 piece of squash, add 1 teaspoon of ground oatmeal and apply the mix on your face and throat for 15-20 min. You can also apply slices of raw squash on your face and throat for 20
min. Rinse both masks with raw milk.

Anti wrinkle mask for dry skin: grate some cabbage and boil it in milk until the cabbage becomes very soft. Apply the mask for 20 min on your face and throat.
For very dry skin mix 1 table spoon of boiled cabbage, 1 raw egg and 1 table spoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mask for 20 min.

Skin Care by Alana Black Friday Shopping

Flaxseed mask soothes dry skin and helps if dry skin is peeling.  Also flax seeds help dry skin to absorb the moisture. Take 1 table spoon of flax seeds, add 1 glass of boiling water and boil it until it thickens. Apply the mask on your face for 15 min and rinse it with warm water or herbal tea. Follow with your

Nourishing anti wrinkle mask for dry skin: mix 2 table spoons of cottage cheese with 2 table spoons of vegetable oil. Apply the mask for 15-20 min.

Honey masks nourish your skin and erase wrinkles, but they are not recommended if you have red capillaries on your face. Mix 2 table spoons of honey 1 table spoon of olive oil and heat it ( on steam bath ) until the mask becomes more fluid. Apply the mask on your face, cover it with a gauze cloth and leave it for 20 min. Rinse it with warm water.

If you have red capillaries on your face, wet a cotton towel in raw potato juice and apply it on your cleansed face for 30 min. You can also drink 2 oz of fresh potato juice 3-4 times a day before meals.

Honey mask for dry skin for winter time: mix 2 table spoons of honey, 1 yogurt ( not sweet ) and 1 tea spoon of grated grapefruit peel. Apply the mask on your face and throat for 15 min. Wash it off with cool
black tea and follow with your moisturizer. Honey will absorb the toxins, yogurt will sooth and nourish your skin and grapefruit peel will help with your skin elasticity.

Mask for very thin, dry and withered skin: mash 2 peaches, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply on your face and throat for 15-20 min. Wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer.

Mask for very dry, whithered and peeling skin: mix 1 raw egg yolk  with 1 table spoon of warm vegetable oil and add a mix of 1/2 tea spoon of water and 1/2 tea spoon of lemon juice. Apply 3 layers of the mask on your face and throat. Wait until the first layer dries a little bit before applying the next layer. Rinse the mask with warm and then cool water. Use it 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks.

Soothing and refreshing mask for dry skin: mix 2-3 tablespoons of grated melon, 1 raw egg yolk and 1 table spoon of sour cream. Apply the mask for 20 min on your face and throat. Wash it off with warm water.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to loose weight naturally

Causes of Obesity or Weight Gain

The most common cause of weight gain is consuming too much fat and not doing enough exercise to burn off the excess calories. What typically leads us to gain weight and become obese are imbalances in the mind and body:
Physical Imbalance: stored toxins in our digestive tract can drain our energy and cause us to eat stimulating foods such as sugar that can lead to weight gain.
Nutritional Imbalance: eating foods that don't provide the body with the essential nutrients that it needs to function optimally.
Mental and Emotional Imbalance: indulging in excess food is often used to overcome uncomfortable feelings in our daily lives, such as stress and anxiety.

Lose Weight Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Many people have found that Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful natural remedy for weight loss. Some research suggests that apple cider vinegar increase our metabolism, which helps us burn more calories even when we are resting. Therefore a simple weight loss home remedy is the following:
Mix 2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar to 16 oz. of water.
Take a few sips of this mixture throughout the day (don't drink it all at once).

Drinking Fruit Smoothies to Promote Weight Loss

A daily fruit smoothie for breakfast is a fantastic way to restore balance and promote weight loss. By choosing the right ingredients, you can easily create a drink which provides a total infusion of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, and fatty acids that also tastes delicious and prevents food cravings.

An excellent smoothie can be created by mixing the following ingredients in a blender until smooth:
1 cup of rice milk
1 cup of soy milk
1 cup of orange juice
1 banana
4 strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1 tablespoon of aloe juice
1 tablespoon of concentrated black cherry juice
1 teaspoon of raw, organic bee pollen
1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil

Feel free to experiment with the proportions, or add any additional fruits, juices, or other nutrient-rich ingredients.

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